![相片:[♬ 隨堂小筆記/Note]
因此在這屆巴赫花精Level 1課程開始,我們將教導學員如何利用靜心冥想來挑選出適合的花精,而不是透過頭腦學習而來的知識。
Dr. Bach said: ”…If we can only set aside a short time every day, quite alone and in as quiet a place as possible, free from interruption, and merely sit or lie quietly, either keeping the mind a blank or calmly thinking of one’s work in life, it will be found after a time that we get great help at such moments and, as it were, flashes of knowledge and guidance are given to us…”
Therefore, we will lead participants making a meditation in this course to choose appropriate remedy instead of logical thinking.
© 摘自目前正在進行巴赫花精課程
Level 1-學習38種花精與自我療癒
From the teacher of Level1 course,
Dr Li Ying-Che and Helena Lin](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/c101.0.403.403/p403x403/644570_493875660639870_1092201813_n.jpg)
因此在這屆巴赫花精Level 1課程開始,我們將教導學員如何利用靜心冥想來挑選出適合的花精,而不是透過頭腦學習而來的知識。
Dr. Bach said: ”…If we can only set aside a short time every day, quite alone and in as quiet a place as possible, free from interruption, and merely sit or lie quietly, either keeping the mind a blank or calmly thinking of one’s work in life, it will be found after a time that we get great help at such moments and, as it were, flashes of knowledge and guidance are given to us…”
Therefore, we will lead participants making a meditation in this course to choose appropriate remedy instead of logical thinking.
© 摘自目前正在進行巴赫花精課程 Level 1-學習38種花精與自我療癒
From the teacher of Level1 course, Dr Li Ying-Che and Helena Lin